Hello all.

I have been thoroughly reading these posts for about a week or so and cannot express how thankful I am to have found this place!

I was identified as gifted in elementary (am guessing MG) and while I generally was happy at school I was also bored and not challenged and never had to put much effort forward until college.

My dd9 will be entering 4th grade and has been at the same Montessori school for 6 years and is very happy and loves learning but I am concerned about her being adequately challenged and developing good study skills and diligence. She does a GT pull-out one day a week at the local PS. We will be moving in 1 1/2-2 years and I am thinking ahead to a possible grade skip or subject acceleration when we move based on further testing and assessment. She is the easiest of my children for me to understand although I think she is more gifted and def. more emotionally intense and highly sensitive than I am, I do usually get where she is coming from.

DD3 was born in Vietnam and adopted at 10 months. She was very well loved in her orphanage and we have had minimal attachment issues. We were prepared for a develpmentally delayed baby and instead got our DD who started walking the day after we met. Her gross and fine motor skills are amazing to me, and she can figure out how to open or take apart anything. She has to touch/climb everything, and she is precious and adorable but often exasperating and exhausting. I had suspected giftedness previously but am becoming more certain that she is gifted based on what I am reading.

My ds6 has Down syndrome, and while establishing a special needs trust isn't something we need to consider for the other two, it has become very clear that the time devoted to advocacy will be similar.

I have already learned so much here and appreciate those of you with wisdom and experience taking the time to share it!