TToes, I was honestly going to give up on it as well; so I get it. I even called a friend who was using it and asked her (whose DS is PG) if it got faster and harder, and she said yes, and that parts of it even made her laugh. So we stuck with it. We use it for science as well. Then I add books to it from the library. I balance out the Language Arts portion with "My Father's World" Language Arts; but it is very Christian-based and I can see how this would not be a good fit for many. I was not looking for a Christian-based curriculum at all. I am a Christian but was a little weirded out by the cover initially, thinking that it may be too churchy (my DH gave me a funny look when I showed it to him;) - but I went to a homeschool expo, flipped through all the pages; and it fit in with where my son was, and what he could tolerate doing in a workbook - short and succinct. Anyway:), I have the ability to go through the writing book and match word rule parts to what we're working on in T4L for some writing and fun things. So it's fine for now. I am fortunate that my husband trusts me wholey in this.

Kriston recommended Plato for science a while back:

And here are a few that I haven't looked into yet; but I save recommendations from this site for future reference.


Try putting online science curriculum in the search engine in this forum and see what you get. Best wishes and good luck!!!

Mom to DS6