My DD is very musically inclined. Not so much instruments at this point because she is only 3.5 but she has always had rhythm, even in the womb. True story. My DH would wait for me to fall asleep and play with her and one night I awoke to feel him tapping on my tummy and then I felt her tap back the beat. He would tap 3 ... she would tap back the same way. I laid there for a little while to make sure I wasn't imagining it and then freaked out. He just laughed and let me in on their secret. They had been playing that game for weeks.

Then when she was around 18 months she was in her daddy's office and made a bee line for all his guitars and strummed them impressing even him. Up and down the neck her fingers would go. That one I have on video!

But in reference to music, she always recognizes songs that she has only heard once and has an amazing memory for the verse. She is also in love with classic rock.

The other night she was cracking us up at a restaurant when she decided to sing at the top of her lungs "Oh My Darling, Clementine" over and over. Finally, I suggested she come up with another song to sing. This excited her and off she went into her own creation about a frog and a butterfly which was pretty impressive but eventually it too was to the tune of Oh My Darling, Clementine. :P Then later on she decided to sing her new song again and did ... exactly the same words as she came up with 20 minutes before.

I really think this talent falls under the category of memorization of books. DD has always had the ability to memorize whole books and long paragraphs after only one or two readings and the way she is able to remember songs appears to be the same.