It is uncanny that you wrote this today because I was wondering the same thing at breakfast! DD7 was singing AC/DC Rock N Roll Train.. the whole thing. She heard it in the car on the way home from school with her dad yesterday. Apparently, it was the first time she had ever heard it. DH was impressed because she had the melody 100% correct, too. I find her to be better remembering melodies than words, in most cases. Although some of the words she 'remembers' are friggin' hysterical. When she was 4 she used to love to sing Silent Night and my favourite part was 'round up your virgins'.

I don't know if her musical memory has anything to do with being gifted or because both DH and I are very musical ourselves. It is helpful when she practices piano because she memorizes the music and never looks at the page (arrg!). At least she remembers what the songs is supposed to sound like so she can tell when she is making mistakes.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery