Originally Posted by kathleen'smum
my favourite part was 'round up your virgins'.

Ok - that totally made my day!
Yup - our family is gifted 'that way' too! DH has perfect pitch and gets a headache if he tries to watch 'Glee.' He would also perfer to only listen to a song about once every 4 months - no matter how much he likes it!
DS could sing in melody much much earlier than the other kids in his preschool, and refers to himself as 'Mom and Dad's little experiment' because whenever a 'classic rock' song come on the radio, DH makes DS try and identify the artist. He's quite good at it.
DS learned how to whistle at age 9, and whistled without stop, except for sleeping and eating, for an entire year. He says that he always has a song in his head, although it's easier to block it out and consentrate at times. When I'm feeling resentful towards DH, I can 'get' him by humming a bubble gum pop song - usually it will get stuck in DH's head and he won't be able to get it out for several hours. ((yeah - don't cross me!))

When Ds was 9 and whistling, I complained about it to a co-worker. She started to giggle. Apparently I sing and hum all day long. And not just one or two favorites - I have thousands of them up there! I tease my son that when I was a teenager I had a virtual ipod, because I would consiously 'tune out' my family by listening to songs I could hear in my head, one after the next. Strangers have stopped me and said: "It's so nice to hear someone humming so cheerfully!"

Ironically sometimes it when I am at my most overstimulated, and I'm humming to get some relief. In my 20 this was very puzzling.

My mom and I used to bother my little brother by starting to sing a song that used whatever word he had just used. We could have gone on and on. My grandmother remembers her little brother complaining to their mom: 'Make her stop singing and dancing near me!'

Clearly not every gifted person is musically gifted, but my family is. When my mom passed away, my dad told the story of the first time they met. He was so impressed that she knew all of the words to all his favorite songs.

Love and More Love,

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