Hijacking flower's thread- my apologies but I hope it's useful to you as well!

G3- his FSIQ on the SB5 and the WISC only have a 3 pt difference. But his GAI puts him 10 pts higher. Our tester refused to use extended norms for the WISC for him- by her definition you must have a 19 on two tests in the same section, not just on any two or more subtests- not just an 18 or 19 on any two subtests. It's kind of complicated :-) She also won't do any extended norms on the SB5 because she believes them to be totally invalid and not normed across enough students.

DS7 totally rocked the working memory portions of the WISC but is petrified of timed tests and bombed block design, primarily because of the stopwatch. He saw her start it and said "what's that? why are you timing me? what are you doing? why is that out?" and couldn't be reassured to get going. He also had trouble with coding for similar reasons.

I've seen the SB5 calculations where you can look at separate subtest scores for certain indications and they are interesting if nothing else!

As for the kind of student he is- he's extremely witty, logical, verbal and sarcastic. The kind of student that teachers either love or hate. We happen to have a teacher who totally adores him, sense of humor and all. He is grade skipped and still at 99th percentile in standardized testing and is just hungry for more... but only at school. At home? He's a video game, leave me alone and let me watch TV kind of kid.