Hi, I am wondering if I post my SB 5 raw and scaled scores if Dottie you or anyone else is willing or able to tell me if the tester did it right or if there is a possibility of a higher score. (I have never been a member of a board like this so if I am breaking etiquette please tell me!) My DD acts like a gifted child but her scores did not allow me to access any school resources... (THey have a done a bit now for middle school, but it still is very limited) We did manage to find a charter school that listened to us and accepted her mid year on an academic need basis. She was put into a 4/5th grade class but they ability grouped so she went into a 6th grade math class and a 7th I think vocabulary/spelling book. She completed algbebra in 6th grade having only one other child in her class and having to share the pre-algebra teacher. She did very little studying at home... She's fast, her memory is awesome. For example before she had an IPOD she learned all the songs with the raps and everything from a few, literally like 3, trips to the mall and listening to the songs while we shopped. The school had actually said she could skip 5th grade but advised heavily against it due to the socialization stuff... Looking back it would have been a good move at the time. All her friends test in the 99% for IQ...yet in her class she is the top student and its not because she works for it..... The class was over half gifted and the recent state testing had that class at over 75% of the class at advanced profeciency in all areas. It was such a gift to find the class and it was just a cohort that was going through the school at the time. She did outdo there curriculum and I am not sure she was ever really that challeneged or consistently challenged. The tester really did not give me much information so I am just wondering if there is a possibility that she made a mistake? Thank you so much!