Hi Twinkletoes, yes my daughter does the same things...talking too loudly, trying to make people laugh and can at times but does act too silly which is embarrassing. I wish we could hang out more too...just chilling and cuddling; I long for that actually. Our DDs are very similar as I've read in your other posts. Although I have always known that I'm not the only one...I didn't find anyone I could really talk to about this until I joined this forum so I am grateful. I always feel like people think I'm just complaining when I'm just trying to understand and though she hasn't been labeled gifted...I'm as sure as I can be. I also don't want people to think that I'm the type of parent who is like..."my kid is gifted so she's better than anyone else, etc. etc." All I've ever wanted was to ensure that she is given the right amount of guidance and nurturing as much as possible. I think I need help with that regardless of the fact that I grew up gifted.