Azuil ((hugs))

It is amazing and appalling how much energy these young ones have? And we love them so ferociously too. It is hard to relax and enjoy when we feel so responsible for how they turn out. Plus add in the isolation that many of us face...who are we going to talk this over with? Few people seem safe enough. Many of our children have this appetite of attention and the intensity not to give up.

Im wondeering what the rest of her life is like. Does she have playmates siblings favorite adults a dad aunts uncles? What happens if she goes to daycare or preschool or out to museams or on errands ? Can she play alone at all?

How about you, Do you have people or activities that nurture you? Do you get to see those ppeople or do those activities?

Does she still love learning? I would at least try kicking the teaching up a notch. Bookstore workbooks for mmuch older kids or a few middle school aimed text books to flip through. She sound like she has lots of intensity and that does have to go somewhere.

love and more love

I hope you post more details about what you enjoy about your dd and what is hard on you and how you are dealing with the worry.

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