If you are looking for schools ANYWHERE, the only one I've heard about and been truly impressed with, is in MN, where someone I know on-line lives, and it is truly impressive what she has said about it. But SMALL.

Otherwise, I would look very carefully. The "best" schools often turn around and bite you in the backside. My son was in a very nice private school, small classes, principal was familiar with gifted (has a masters in gifted ed, and raised her own gifted kids), and I still believe my son was not challenged there. They customized -- but he had the primary teacher wrapped around his little finger, and was allowed to just mentally take vacations all the time. Four years later, we are FINALLY overcoming that issue! (I hope -- I don't say it is a done-deal yet, but looking good so far.)

But I think my testing cost beat yours -- the school did it (the WISCIII, also). Apparently in FL, you can request it, even if your child isn't in the school. (Actually, the WISC he was in there, briefly, when they did it, but before that, I had requested it, and to get the ball rolling, they do a parent and teacher questionaire, then after jumping that hoop, gave him the Slosson Full-Range Intellegence Test, THEN the one that officially got him in the gifted program was the WISC-III. I always wonder about what his "real" score should be, though. There was a 25 pt difference between the two tests. Both gifted range, but that's a big discrepency!