I sent the article to DW. She said it fit her upbringing to a T. She won all kinds of awards up through the 8th grade, but once she got to HS, there were different expectations. No one put her on the AP track and with the exception of her Chemistry teacher, where she had a 99% average, no one took an interest in her.

She recently took an IQ test and a Pysch Profile for a management assessment and scored very high on the non-reading parts of the IQ test. She scored very high on verbal/listening/social inference skills of the profile. ( We both suspected she had reading issues. The tester pointed the reading slowness out as a oddity.) She placed within the top 10% for senior executives of mid sized firms. She tested herself right out of the job!!

She understands intellectually what this means, but feeling it is another. "That old 'be nice, don't rock the boat, dont stand out."