re: physical milestones

I've noticed from reading these boards and also people I know in person certain trends:

early everything- basically these kids are early across the board, noticeably so (for the most part this is DD but she might also fit in the late talker category)

early verbal, late physical- some kids seems to have extraordinary vocabularies (and maybe hit other non-physical milestones early) but wait for walking and then tend to pull it off perfectly

late talkers- didn't start talking to 2+ but *usually* then started talking in full sentences, but might clearly have an amazing receptive vocab and show other signs of high intelligence (this was DH)

bursts- could appear totally normal but all of a sudden show bursts of highly advanced skills (this was me)

I wasn't including people that are 2E just because I haven't talked to as many (or the people I know weren't diagnosed). This is purely anecdotal but I wonder if these patterns are indicative of later learning styles? For instance, in the book Einstein Syndrome (at least the parts that I read) it seems that there are a lot of similarities among the late talkers. I wonder if any of these other subsets of gifted styles have been studied?

I *think* that the reason that physical milestones are discounted is because there are a number of kids in the early verbal, late physical and the bursts categories.

Just my conjectures, so take this at your own risk! laugh