Originally Posted by lulu
Knowing that you have a gifted young child can be very lonely. I hope your child's father is on board, as very close family - for me my husband and the grandparents, were the only place I could speak my mind at that point. The good news is that this part of bringing up a gifted kid usually does get easier. In the end other people really have no choice but to see and accept what your kid is, although they may call you pushy for a while. In my experience other first time moms can be the worst for this due to all those insecurities a new parent has, but honestly, you can come across the very best of people this way too - there really are a few who genuinely will support you, and those friendships are amazing.
Oh and welcome, vent away.

You are soooo right! It's so lonely. I thought I would have a kid and get to join the exclusive mommy/ parent club and instead I'm still standing on the outskirts. My husband is wonderfully supportive and is willing to devote any resources on the planet to ensuring that she gets the enrichment/ stimulation she needs to stay sane (he hated school because he wasnt challenged). His parents watch our daughter while I work 3 days a week and they were the ones who first commented about her "condition" grin.