Originally Posted by Kriston
I regularly remind myself that this is a marathon, not a sprint. DS doesn't have to master every school skill right *now*. He just needs to learn and to enjoy learning. Especially the first year of homeschooling.

What Kriston said! I know exactly what you're saying, and I'm finding us with a few holes here at the end of the year. I think about homeschooling in terms of input, not output. As long as they are exposed to a broad base of things over the course of the year and are challenged SOMEWHERE (doesn't need to be everywhere), I feel like we're doing ok.

I've had some long conversations lately with people who have been homeschooling for a while (this is our 2nd year, and 1st year with both kids so we're still feeling a little new too). All of them has said they have better and worse years. They patch holes with enrichment classes or by doing a run of a certain area. I think the same thing happens at school too. It definitely is a marathon and not a sprint. It sounds like you have your hands extra full with a move so try to give yourself a break! Keep lots of books available, and do some outings! Sounds to me like you're doing great! smile

I was also going to say, even in 2 years time my DS has gotten way better with the work on his own, writing, creating his own work angle. So hang in there on that! He still has a ways to go. And I try not to require more than age appropriate output (unless he really wants to, which is true sometimes).