I'm going to put a sign over my desk that says.... "He's not going to college in a Diaper!" Talk about pulling someone off the ledge, that's perfect!

I have a really good story about stuff lying around. We had a stillborn Guinea pig at the school last week. DS apparently wanted to know why. He went to the book shelf and pulled down an anatomy book. Gave himself a first class education in the birds, the bees, and everything in between.

Later that evening, my DP was kissing on him and he said "enough already". She told him that it was her right as his Momma to kiss on him all she wanted.... He very carefully pulled away enough so that he could look at her and said "Well, actually according to my research....... He went on to explain the entire reproductive process. DP was initially crushed at being demoted from "Momma" until he justified his dissertation with "but I understand that you CAN be a Momma without actually giving birth which is good since I like having you as my Momma". At that point all was forgiven and I was no longer in hot water for giving him access to the book in question.

Just something to consider when laying stuff around....

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!