Hi Grinity and all you folks here, it's been tough for you guys; I really hope things stay on track *from here on*.

I'm starting to understand how school advocacy can be a long drawn, 1-step-forward, 2-steps-backwards battle. I'm borrowing this thread to grouse because I see a some similarities with Grintiy's case - at the start of the year, we were given promises of "more" by the Gifted Board, and it gradually crystalized into a 1 yr grade skip. This is March - the promises of a grade skip were rescinded when they administered a short notice math achievement test. Their verdict about DS7 - "he dooesn't do math puzzles, does he? He knows his concepts but not deep enough. Yes he can do algebra, probability and combinations even, but he has to fill in his gaps first". I don't get it. Yes he will fill them in with the appropriate material, in school, at the right grade (we're only asking for that original 1 grade skip to 2nd grade, because of social and handwriting issues). But at home, my belief is he should have the joy of choosing to work on what delights him. Their implication is that I should drill him on earlier concepts. Is this what gifted education is about? Step by step progression?? And I do the advance prep myself? What's he in school for?

They will review in 3 mths, by which time, they hope to see improvement. Luckily his school teacher is solidly convinced about him. I still feel sick in the gut because this means I have to prep him into the shape they want. I signed him up for Aleks, and luckily too, he seems to be enjoying it. But the entire process just seems so wrong.