Wow ... I thought my area was competitive and one upping attitude ... looks like you have us beat. The 8-12 languages to count is definitely an extreme.

And I completely understand the reading to a young child and them liking it and demanding it. My DD was obsessed with books. She was talking in sentences by 6 months and mostly to ask questions as she went through book after book. They say you should stick with one or two books at that age so as not to confuse them. Haha ... yeah, right! She wouldn't have tolerated it. It was clear that she was building her vocabulary and with every 'What's this?' and 'What's that?' she would add a new word to her list. By the time she was a year old she had so many words I stopped counting.

I fully believe in reading to children to help build a love of books, but some kids are just naturally going to go that direction and not need such an effort put forth. DD was the kid that all other toys could go away; so long as she had/has her books she is happy.