I, too noticed the 2E board was more leaning towards Cozy Middle. This was giving me pause. These folks have 2E kids, they've been through it, and they are telling me to pick Cozy.

I realized that most of the kids sounded much further advanced in academics, whether young and accelerated in ps or hs. Even a child without AS and with no EF delays might feel a little overwhelmed by the organizational and social demands of being up 2+, 3+,4+ grades in school. I am sure it is even more so for the 2E kids who are accelerated.

Going to G&T Middle won't zoom DS many years ahead. HE might wind up 2 years ahead in math, and have one extra high school science or computer class under his belt by the time he arrives at high school. He would likely have more in-depth, substantive language arts classes, but he will still wind up in, at most, sophomore language arts when he gets to high school as a freshman. Being just one year ahead, he would face the difficulties of a 2Ekid, but not a 2E kid who's in class with kids several years his senior.

Also, with those comments, I think people were saying that they thought it would be easier to get academic accommodations for giftedness than accommodations for AS or writing. From my experience of never achieving any sort of giftedness accommodations for my son in his PS for the last seven years, but a few for the handwriting, I think it is easier to get an accommodation for anything that can go on an IEP.

But, I will put this to the test tomorrow, when I call the principals at both schools and ask what they can do!

Last edited by bk1; 03/14/10 08:41 PM. Reason: grammar!