I think for us, afterschooling to provide academic challenge might be harder than getting out of school help for ASD and executive functioning.

I can't do academic afterschool myself because it causes huge strife. DS suffers from Goldilocks syndrome, where whatever I give him is either too hard or too easy, and both seem to lead to meltdowns. He seems to do much better at controlling himself when taught by someone else.

DH is very patient but has little insight into what's causing the meltdowns and so often just exacerbates the anxiety and the meltdown.

While there are lots of academic afterschool opportunities in my very large city, most are right after school, AND not nearby and neither DH nor I would be available to take him. Also, we're in a city with a lot of wealth and lots of activities are priced beyond our means, even though we are middle class, just because great providers can charge much, much more and get it.

In addition, I haven't found anything else that would provide a just-right pace, opportunity to work with true peers at his LOG, and provide work-arounds for his writing problems. For example, there is a nearby afterschool science program, but it's geared for younger kids and nothing covered would be new content for him. More advanced science seems to be geared for older kids and require more math than he's had.

The distance learning classes offered by CTY seem to require more writing than he would be willing to handle voluntarily.

However, we are in a big metro area with lots of ASD kids and kids with executive function issues, and I think he would be willing to go to something based on social skills.

OK, I am workign this out as I am writing!

Thanks for listening in and giving your advice and support.

I am searching for afterschool help with the social skills issues and executive functioning and hoping we have better luck with location, time and pricing there.