Originally Posted by Grinity
I hope this helps, OHGrandma, but on achievement test given to agemates, the top 5% is quite indistinguishable. Some kids who score very high on IQ tests, score quite low or average at age level achievement tests for various reasons. That is why talent searches use test that are indended for older children - so that the scores can 'fan' that top 5%. Of course no one test score actually can tell a child's "True IQ" as if you could somehow check under their pinky toe and see what number they would score on their perfect day on a truly unbiased IQ test.

Long story shortened, I like to think of giftedness as a child having special educational needs that wouldn't tend to be met in a regular classroom, as a few special parenting tips. If the needs aren't being met, then there arise a whole ton of parenting challenges, as well. So I look at scores ONLY as a way to check if the changes I'm proposing to the usual learning plan are reasonable.

Love and More Love,

Some of those things you mentioned are why I was contemplating a 'Academic Booster Club'. I am gifted, IQ scores in the 150-160 range, daughter is in a similar range, son is above average, GS8 meets Ohio's definition of gifted but we have not done additional testing to identify. I feel I let my kids down by not doing more for them at their school, they were both serious underachievers. I learned from that mistake and have been digging into the options for GS8. I see his best friends mom not quite knowing what to do with her son, and I see my co-worker who is from a culture where the parents place high emphasis on education but I don't think she's aware of everything available for the kids.
Anyway, thanks for letting me throw around ideas and give feedback on them.