Schools have Band Boosters & Athletic Booster Clubs, are there any Academic Booster Clubs? Could we generate more support for academic challenges, a higher awareness, etc. for advanced & gifted kids if we formed vocal groups at a school level?
On a somewhat related note, how many of you get together with parents IRL with the same issues with gifted children? I work with a lady who has a boy the same age as my GS and I knew he was advanced, but I feel a bit weird talking about their abilities. How do you get past that, if you've had that problem? Today she brought up the boys by saying she had just received the results of his Ohio Achievement test and asking if I'd gotten GS's. I've got a bit of that 'really high score envy', so after she told me her sons score, I told her GS's, GS's was a bit higher. But I'd rather feel like we could help each other do the best for our boys. Our boys are in different school districts and have never met, maybe if they were close it'd feel different.