I had to resurrect this thread after a conversation with DS6 and DS8 this morning.

DS6 tells stories of the several leprechauns who live in our house. He talks about them by name. They all have very different personalities. Recently, he announced that a couple of them got married and had babies. According to DS, leprechaun boys can marry at 14 and leprechaun girls can marry at 12. Who knew? A few of the leprechauns even shoveled most of the snow off our back patio when we were away last week. (Thanks, guys!) With Saint Patrick's Day coming up next week, my DSs (and the leprechauns) are very excited. We're making decorations and planning a lovely party. We're having a ball with it.

Apparently DS8 told his friends about this yesterday. One of his friends told him that his mother said leprechauns aren't real. An argument ensued. This schoolyear, several kids have told DS8 that Santa isn't real. He adamantly insists that one year he heard the hooves of the reindeer on our roof. He KNOWS they're real. DS8's argument: "You can't see germs and you can't see Santa, but they're both real!" I'm surprised with how young DS8's belief is in this regard. It's fun, although I hope my DC are not devastated when they ultimately figure it out.