Here is a mistake I made as a first year homeschooler. Every year, I do my "Santa" shopping on Amazon. When things were delivered, I'd hide them away till Santa came on Christmas Eve, easy peasy. This year, I ordered as usual, completely forgetting that DD9 is home 24/7 these days. And, she still believes (actually, I think she still WANTS to believe but really knows the score). The Amazon deliveries start coming and every time the doorbell rings, she is at the door in a flash, nosy as can be. I've managed to cover with lying through my teeth, deliveries for Daddy, a friend who has no basement needs help hiding gifts, etc. Of course, Dad ordered her a keyboard that wasn't in the Amazon, brown box. That was a trick to cover. And one day, I opened our garage to take her to piano and a tricycle that Santa is bringing to DS2 was sitting in the middle of the driveway, in a box but full color pictures on all sides. I yelled at her to go downstairs to get me a coat just as she was coming out the door. She looked at me like I was crazy, it was about 75 degrees outside at the time and I never wear coats even when it's cold. But she did it and I managed to hide the box under some garage junk. I really think that she knows, especially after all the dancing that I've been doing over the last few weeks. But, she is a sweet, precious dreamer and even when she knows for sure, I think a part of her will always watch the sky for the red glow.

Just a reminder to new, homeschooling families who do Santa, don't forget about deliveries!!

Happy Holidays everyone!!