I agree w/ the psych...sometimes they just have to tantrum their way out of it. I took my son to the psych after seeing symptoms of depression. There is a math problem called a multi-vide that he needs to do in his math program. Well he's done 9 of them so far. About the 7th one, he got it wrong. The problem involves multiplying by 2,then 3, then 4 on up to 9, then dividing by 2, then 3, then 4 and you should end w/ what you started with. Well, ever since he got ONE wrong, it's been like pulling teeth. I told him the best attitude to have when something is hard is that he should be asking me to give him an extra one...not refusing to do this one. It's hard b/c he has to think about the math facts and he abhores memorizing math facts. And b/c school was focused on SPEED of math facts and did speed tests in school and everyone knew what everyone else got, he got in his head that he isn't good at math. He's always been very intuitive about math. I've been unsuccessful in turning him around. I only hope that once we're done w/ arithmetic, he'll see that his conceptual strengths will serve him well in algebra and he'll begin to see himself as good at math again.