We transferred from a academic pre-school to homeschooling for K so it certainly won't be the same as your experience but we began with a lot of "field trips" and "explorations." I did this mostly to break some of the frustration with general bookwork (worksheets) and to get DS excited about homeschooling.

For example, we'd go to a state park. Explore the area(using magnifying glasses, binoculars, etc.) often looking for something in particular -i.e. cactus wrens. We'd then follow-up with a trip to the library to get every book we could find about cactus wrens. Then, we'd journal about it or incorporate more "school-like" work related to the theme.

Overall, we did this relaxed exploration time for a few weeks before really diving into any formal curriculum. It seemed to ease the transistion time (for both of us -parent and child!).

Also, daily or weekly agendas of what we intend to accomplish seem to help DS too. We don't always stick to them 100% but it helps to provide the structure that I can't seem to provide while homeschooling.

Good luck!

Mom to DYS-DS6 & DS3