Of course I do! No, I'm not a parent (gifted student) but I definitely do that. Not only do I just make it a movie, but I become engulfed into the book and I AM one of the characters in the book. I adore reading. It is incredibly fun! Also, If I'm not satisfied with the way something is happening in a book or I want to add onto the story I read, then, voila, something to do once I've finished my book and once again become bored in class! Haha, I am very good at multitasking though so I become engulfed in the book but still pay attention to the "snore fest" that's actually going on. Then I love when teachers try to make me feel stupid by calling on me when I am "Obviously not prepared or caring about school because I am reading a book INSTEAD of paying attention." (Note: that must be said in a silly, mocking tone) then I end up answering it perfectly. *sigh* If only everyone could understand.