Originally Posted by Mom2MrQ
I mean, what does that 'look' like? Do you literally see 'words'? Don't you have to get some kind of image in your mind when you read words? No? confused

Believe it or not, I've discovered that my primary method of thinking is kinetic, not visual or verbal or auditory. So, no, I definitely don't have an image unless I'm trying to think of one. But I can feel it, and I can feel the shapes of the words. smile

Originally Posted by Atwl1011
Another thing that I was shocked to learn as an adult is how slowly people read. Many people read at the pace they speak, sounding out each word in their heads. Very strange to me.

LOL You should hear my (dyslexic, 2E) DH read. He speaks like the highly intelligent person that he is, but he reads like a 2nd grader (though he can decode and understand up to a much higher level, obviously). He's less fluent than my 4-year-old.

Last edited by no5no5; 02/15/10 12:15 PM.