My 11 year old son and I were talking about the "mind's eye" and the ability to visualize while reading or just remembering past events after reading an article in a magazine about a man who suddenly lost the ability to visualize. We told my husband, who also reads a lot, about the article and he said that he cannot see things in his mind's eye either. I can't imagine not being able to do this. I love being able to replay books and movies in my head and mentally rehearse things by playing things out in my mind's eye.

My son says he not only enjoys seeing things in his mind's eye but also listening to things in his "mind's ear." He says for him, this doesn't work as well as his mind's eye because his mind's ear keeps repeating the same parts of the new song he just heard or sometimes it won't turn off sometimes when he wants it to.

My son has the same problem with friends not being that interested in reading. Only one of them, 4 years older, shares his love of reading. So we often read and discuss books together and I really enjoy doing this with him.