Originally Posted by Taminy
So here's a question then....for those that have a highly visual experience in books, do you hear your voice in your head when you write, or is that something that is more typical of those of us who think in words?

When I'm writing I hear my own voice in my head. (Like right now.) It helps me sort the information. When I'm unsure of the spelling of a word, I always visualize how it should look and I will hear each letter 'said' as I look at it in my mind. When writing (on the computer) I may actually get caught up in my mind's image of what I'm writing about and not be aware of the words I'm typing... similar to how you drive two miles down the road and suddenly realize that you've been driving and not really aware of what has been going on around you. (Please tell me that others do this while driving! LOL)

Also, your post made me think about the fact that while I always see images or "a movie" when I read, I also hear the voices of the characters. I tend to assign a voice to the characters based on their personalities. If reading a manual or something instructional, I usually hear my own voice. When I recall something I've read, I "see it," and if describing it to someone else, I almost always hear the conversations *and* see the images. I never really realized this until I was reading through these posts.

This makes me want to do a study!