On the topic of teachers who don't get it...

Biography project this week. DS8 is researching Thomas Edison. They begin with a brief statement of their person. DS wants kids interested so his opening statement is "I am Thomas Edison and I did not invent the light bulb and I once killed an elephant."

The discussion continues and he explains how Edison and Westinghouse were in a bit of a battle over AC or DC and how Edison was trying to demonstrate how AC was dangerous by using it to electrocute animals which included a rogue elephant that was already slated to be put down.
He further explains that Edison did not actually invent the light bulb but improved the filament/design to make a more marketable and practical light bulb for general use.
He had some other interesting facts etc. but the long and short of this post is that the teacher made him recant and say that Edison DID invent the light bulb and he was chastised for discussing the elephant as an "inappropriate topic" for the fourth grade.
Am I wrong or does this not sum up everything wrong with public education today? (okay maybe not everything. :-))