Help. Recently I enter this forum asking for advice about myDS7. I received wonderful imput now I need input about myDS13 recently like today we deceided to switch schools. He continues to have problems socially and academiclly. Our final straw is His history/language arts teacher had the kids take their weekly history test my DS13 received a A+. The techer celebrated the 3 highest grades in front class. My sons grade was not one celebrated. Later she puuled him aside and told him he received a A+ but felt he cheated. My son was devastated. She accused him because he has been a c student since the year began and there was no way he could of received a A. He expressed to her that he found the chapter interesting. She made him take the test again and he mastered it with a A. She never apologizes even though I asked her to. and it just goes on and on. On his benchmark test he received advanced in all subjects except math which was average. He is a avid reader loves poetry. In elementry he received All A's in jr high 7 and 8th c's. Talking to him he has a vocabulary that always sends me to the dictionary. We are a family of 5 childen all very bright. We are a little sheltered. The kids spent alot of time with eachother the teens rather than with friends they. Its common to talk about and debate whats in the paper? Newest books read. Questions how many moons are ther? and so and so. The two older are ok socially but the my 13 year old as he gets older the less he feels differnt. Kids have made fun of him for the way he talks. and teachers sometimes dont understand him and lable him as sarcastic. The school has been terrible to us. His new school I ask for a school phychologist to talk with him and I asked them if the would give them achievment test. They said they would give him a benchmark test. Are the achievment test and the benchmark test the same? Any suggestion on what else to ask for? please any advice would be helpful