We went to the developmental pediatrician on Tuesday, and while we will have our official follow-up next week, the doctor said ds is the classic gifted/ADHD combination. She pointed out the slower processing speed and working memory and explained how that affects his writing in particular. We are going to try medication combined with some classroom and home interventions. I'm praying this works for ds because he is so frustrated with his difficulty focusing.

I'm still trying to make some decisions about schools for next year. Is there anything in particular that I should look for in a school now that I know for sure my son has ADHD? I know there are certain aspects of a classroom educational approach that work best for gifted students, but what about ADHD? Is Montessori good for kids with attention problems? With successful medication intervention, do these things become less relevant/necessary? I understand kids who have ADHD need order and routine, but my ds (I assume b/c of the giftedness) gets really bored with routine. I do too, so I can relate. How do you balance a child's conflicting needs with this 2e diagnosis?

Thanks for any advice you can provide!