We went through all of those same possibilities and eventually determined that yes, ds does have sensory integration issues and some anxiety, however we feel that these are a result of the ADHD/Gifted combo, not the causes of the ADHD-type behaviors. Does that make sense? It took us a while to get to this point. We questioned for a long time if the problem was just that ds wasn't challenged in school. We now feel sure that he is being sufficiently challenged, and his inattention is worsening rather than improving. It's even getting worse at home. So, I understand completely why you're not convinced. It's so confusing, and all of these things tie in to each other so closely. We just got to the point that no matter what you call it, it had to be addressed. I'm scared to death to give him medication, but it's gotten severe enough that I know organizational strategies and classroom interventions alone are not going to be enough. Interestingly, ds also seems to have allergies. At this time, we give him Nasonex daily (which helps slightly), but we don't know what he's allergic to. I guess that will be the next thing we explore. When does this parenting thing get easy?