I'd add a suggestion for the top of your list: relax. I understand how big a responsibility this feels to you. BTDT! But you don't have to do everything RIGHT NOW. Helping your child is a process, not a destination.

I feel like you're putting more pressure on yourself than you have to. Yes, you need to do what you can for your child. I'm the first person to say that you can't just let a bad school fit go for a long time without doing damage. But then again, kids are resiliant. And the fact is that you're *not* letting it go. You're on top of the situation. Stressing out doesn't help your child and it certainly doesn't make you more effective. Deep breaths! smile

When it comes to perfectionism, the apple often doesn't fall far from the tree. But remember that very little in a child's education is irreversible, so perfection isn't required. Most choices can be changed, schools can be switched, options can be tried and discarded. It's all an experiment. You keep what works for your child and try again in another direction for what doesn't work. It won't go perfectly. It doesn't go perfectly for any of us! And that's okay.

Do your (reasonable) best and accept that your best is good enough. It will be. I promise!
