FAvorite teacher qualities - a life long learner, for real. Charisma. Humor. Self Confidence. Love of each individual child. Deep, deep knowledge of their subject material. Less of a desire to fill kid's heads with knowledge, and more of a desire to add kindling to the fire that keeps the child's internal desire to activly learn. That means keeping the child at their readiness level, and "just in time" introduction of new ideas and challenges. If the spanish teacher has to teach Math because everyone teaches Math at 9am, well, is is willing as a life long learner to really embrace math, even if it's only at a 3rd grade level, and get into the why's and not only the procedures.

Also, ability of the teacher to understand that gifted in Math may be only bright in FOK (fund of knowledge) Wonderful at reading and understanding stories may come with writing bottleneck or spelling difficulties. Math fact memorization trouble may come hand in hand with a deep love of Math Ideas, and shouldn't be a bottleneck.

So yes, CFK's block scheduling.

Also gym daily, if not more. Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists making regular visits to help with uneven development for those who need it, handwriting, core strength, vision muscle development. Asnychronous Development is a reality for many of these kids.

And since we are on the subject of "PG" which kids are you thinking of exactly? Ruf Level IIIs or only Ruf Level Vs. I do reccomend involving the parents on the level of curriculum planning to the extent that they are interested - particularly for Level IV and Vs.

Seems to me that working with one of the northeast's existing boarding schools or universities to use as a base is an excellent stratagy. Expect children to be ready for college level work, perhaps with support, early in High School, if not middle school. Find a way for the families who want to keep their age-based identification to keep it while getting access to those college classes, while the families who want those credits can get them.

I like the idea of weekend classes, to keep the pipeline full. I like the idea of very well done enrichment classes in the afternoons for kids whoes parents are working till 6pm. I like the idea of study halls so that homework can be done during the day, the children learn to work independently, but with the support of the school environment. I also think that offering half day programs for partially homeschooled kids is a blessing. A school pitched to Level III kids may be great for a few hours for a Level V kid, but then they may just need to be home for some peace and quiet, and to do their real work. Or stay on campus with a tutor doing an independent study.

Flexability and Communication are the keys. Thanks so much for your efforts on behalf of these children.
Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com