Well, I'm no help either ... ds5 is in K, certainly ready for more, but didn't do well enough on the school's test to qualify for acceleration. As you may already know, we're pushing for more -- I can totally see ds ending up hating school, and I want to keep that from happening! So we're pushing for acceleration, but nothing is happening right now. Just a really smart kid in the K classroom.

To be fair, his reading group is advanced (though not nearly on par with what he reads at home) and he does get extra math worksheets -- but he's supposed to do them during "choice center" time! That's their play time, and the teacher seems to think that because he doesn't want to learn over playing, he must not be that smart after all.

Ah, the academic conundrum. I hope others are able to help! It's such a frustrating position to be in, when you know your child is extremely bright but it's not showing up on the school's assessments.
