
Lots of good stuff happening here this week.

I met with the psych, the outgoing director of curr + instruction, and the elem school principal today. They all had their "oh #$%&" faces on when the psych showed them our kid's test results, and then showed them pages of our kid's handwritten math and spelling stuff. And then showed them samples that I had sent in myself. So, it was "oh %@#!" but in a good way. They all agreed that this was going to be a way-outside-the-box situation.

I did get a superduperquick look (less than a minute for a few pages, just to see how my kid spelled something or solved an equation) at one or two pages of the WIAT, but not enough to really say much. Our kid's scores were still in the end of the tail of the bell curve - no changes. The S-B V scores reflected the same levels that he had from the WISC two years ago.

The upshot is that they want to do at least one more test, an out of level high school reading/spelling/writing test, to help bolster their argument that he should matriculate in early Feb as a 9th grader for english, history, math, science and spanish. shocked He would stay with 5th grade (one full grade acceleration from his 4th grade same aged peers) for lunch, recess, art and music. This is an informal proposal but they feel strongly about making it happen,so they plan to do the legwork before the GIEP meeting in a few weeks. They said, "expect a cast of thousands at that meeting." This plan would have him on track to graduate high school at 14.

I'm somewhere between completely freaked out and oddly calm. I know it's probably right where he needs to be, and he probably will be really happy with that placement if he can be learning new things every day, but at the same time I have all sorts of questions and fears and "gifted issues" (lol!) when I think about the reality of it!

The psych said he would include lots of info in the gifted written report and that if I wanted the raw scores he would give them to me. Not sure if I think I need them, though. One more WIAT math tidbit is that our kid did do a funtion problem - I was surprised since he hadn't done those since last spring and had not reviewed them at all this fall. But the psych said he got it right and it wasn't an easy-peasy function problem either. Yikes.