NJMom (do I know you from DYS?) -

Our son took the WIAT today. He didn't say it was difficult, but as you know, the test is set up to have incredibly difficult questions towards the end of each section so that kids stop the test when they get a series of wrong answers - so he did say that there were some questions he could not answer. I think he said that he stopped in the math section at a pre-calculus question, but he did a bunch of geometry and algebra questions. For reading, he said it was basically the same as the test he took several years ago, just with different words to spell, different made-up words to read aloud, etc. For the writing part, he said that he had to do some "easy" writing stuff, like punctuation and editing, and also had to write a short essay. Not sure what else.

The psych said he'd try to call me tomorrow afternoon with just a verbal rundown (not the full written report) - very nice of him!

I'll keep you posted.