Originally Posted by JenSMP
We have the option of starting in January, so that's a great point about committing to half a year instead of a full year, Grinity! Ds loves it but then again he loves everything at first.

It sounds lovely. If you have seen the teachers and 'believe' that they wouldn't be closed minded about 'of course you can't read that level book because you can't spell the words in it, and everyone knows that reading and spelling go hand in hand' sort of thing, and believe that the teacher gets your child, then go for it!

Take the homeschooling as a valuable investment it getting to know your son as a learner, and an 'ace in the hole.' Chances are that you will need to try many, many different things along the way. If the school goes to 6th grade, you can bet that it will fit better now than it will in 5th and 6th grade years, right?

I've never gone as far as pulling my son from school, but in talking to my BF who homeschooled, she told me that the hallmark of a homeschooling mom, to her, was when the parent fully accepted responsibility for their child's education, rather than who did the teaching or where the child spent their days. So you aren't really leaving anything behind, see?


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