Well, I visited the Montessori school again today, and ds had a couple of hours there as well. This particular school does a very in-depth "getting to know you" processo with the entire family and the child. So, from my previous post about Montessori and gifted eduction, I've gathered that it's sometimes not a great fit. But, I really LOVE this particular school. I know all Montessori schools are not created equal, and this one just seems to be a perfect fit for ds. I'm very nervous about committing to a year (spending LOTS of money) b/c what if it doesn't work out? I spoke with the director of my concerns about the step-by-step nature of Montessori, and she said it's definitely more that way in the primary school. The early elementary allows for much more flexibility and opportunity to research areas of interest. I was quite impressed with the level of academics for each child. Also, there are 3 other gifted students in the class of 16, and the school's IOWA scores are in the 99th percentile average. The lowest score in any area of the test was 87th percentile. They don't start the testing until 3rd grade. Ds loves it, but that's just after a couple of two hour visits. I really want him to be able to be back in school; homeschooling is good for now, but for us I don't think it's a permanent solution. Are we crazy if we decide to just go for it and give it a shot? I guess I'm just needing to voice my concerns somewhere. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for "listening."