Originally Posted by JenSMP
Ds loves it but then again he loves everything at first. He quickly habituates to new routines, and tires of them very quickly as well. So, it's definitely a risk, both financially for us and personally for ds.

I couldn't have said it better. I've noticed the same thing with DS3. I wonder if this is more pronounced with gifted kids and/or common with all children.

Originally Posted by JenSMP
I also feel like we've invested so much time, energy, and money into homeschooling; I hate to stop before we've given it a good chance. At this point, we're still getting the hang of everything. What if we end up loving hs just as much as the Montessori school?! Ahhhh! I just want to do the right thing for ds. Decisions, decisions. At least we have options, right?

You're a good mom. I sympathize with your concerns. I think your "mom gut" will lead you to the right decision for now. B/c you're so invested in making the right decision for your child, it (mom gut) will also lead you to make any changes as they become necessary. I think it's good that you're contemplating pros/cons now. Maybe you can give yourself some time afterwards to not think about it at all before making a decision. I'm not sure when you have to commit to a decision.