[/quote] I also wonder if there isn't some kind of maturation/struggle to establish independence going on, or maybe it just stinks to be the only kid "against" two adults. Maybe he feels like he should have equal authority - which he will never get, of course, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want it. [/quote]

We have had many conversations over the years about who is in charge - parent vs. child. My most effective behavior changes with my DS9 have been talking to him away from the moment, when he is motivated to get/do something. I try to focus on feeling good about being one's best self. I try to keep conversations short so it's more effective. Following are two examples I've used.

We have talked about what it means to be a parent. Examples are keeping a job, paying bills, laundry, managing responsibilties, schedules, driving a car, ect. He will have his turn at this when he grows up. Enjoy being a kid. I ask him, Do you really want to be incharge? NO.

When children don't do as they should it invites an adult to boss them. Bossing oneself feels better.

Last edited by onthegomom; 10/27/09 06:08 AM.