If I didn't know any better I'd think you were a fly on the wall in MY house about 6 weeks ago! We were seeing the exact behaviors you described before pulling ds from school to homeschool. Then again I was at my wits end last week, literally in tears all day for two days, and I'm trying to homeschool ds. Not the same behaviors, more inattention and emotional breakdowsn! We took a little break, went out of town, and he was an absolute charming little angel at the wedding we went to. In fact, he was wonderfully behaved the entire weekend.

We're back home today, and he's better than last week, but I can see him slipping right back into his usual behaviors. I feel for you. Honestly I do. Just try to look at it as a phase and not that your ds is going to turn out to be a negative, argumentative, difficult person. That's always my big concern; "oh no, this is how he's going to be forever!" That's usually when I get most upset...I have a hard time putting things in perspective sometimes, and it seems bigger than it is. I'm not trying to minimize your struggles, but I think what you need is a good day together to remind yourself what a great boy you have. Maybe plan a special event or visit a park, zoo, something he loves to do. Take yourselves out of your usual environment and routine.

Also, just curious if you ds appears to be enjoying school. My ds showed a lot of those same behaviors because he was very stressed in his school environment. Not trying to project, but I thought I'd mention it. Ds was not challenged in his classroom and was in trouble a lot for not paying attention, talking, etc. It was just a very negative environment for him in general. Once he got home every day, he unleashed on the safe people at home.

I hope this helps. Just this mom's two cents. Hope things get better. Sending positive vibes and lots of hugs your way!