Originally Posted by BonusMom
Me: How is that different from what I said?

Me: Why are your pajamas not in the dresser?

Ahh. You ask him hard questions. He isn't an adult, although he probably has shaped your behavior into verbally conversing like one. I promise that he doesn't have the power to 'make' you argue with him. You are the adult and you hold all the cards, except his outstanding ability to be irritating if he 'goes there.'

What is your favorite parenting book? Get it out and brush up your act. If you don't have one you like, you can borrow my current favorite:
Transforming the Difficult Child Workbook: An Interactive Guide to The Nurtured Heart Approach

The Nurtured Heart Approach, that is the basis of the top selling book on ADHD, Transforming the Diificult Child (1999) by Howard Glasser and Jennifer Easley, has now evolved and is now not only easier and more powerful than ever, but it has been recreated to help parents and teachers take it to a new level of instilling greatness in the child. This full-color workbook format provides an interactive guide to get the Nurtured Heart Approach underway. It will walk you through the process of fully understanding the approach, then it will introduce the strategies and will encourage you and support you every step of the way. It is enormously gratifying to experience the turn around to having your child be thoughtful, considerate, respectful and responsible. We hope you enjoy the journey.

I know that it would be nice if you DS was more 'giving' but he's just going through a very self-involved stage right now. It will pass. You can reward him for being 'nice' to you, and if those rewards are sweeter than the excitement he gets from arguing and obstructing, then he will act nice too, but right now you and he are locked in a dance were arguing and slacking are very engaging. If you feel like you can't stop, how do you think that he is going to be able to?


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