Count me in on all counts. :-) I like the one where I politely ask a child to do something and get ignored. Ask again...maybe one or two more times then YELL. Then get the bewildered and/or defensive "Sheesh Mom you don't have to yell." Don't I? Grrrrr
Although I have stopped yelling. We instituted a point reward system that also includes losing points for set behaviors. All of this is written down and was done in conjunction with the kids. Not listening to a parent the first time they say something? Minus 10. So no more yelling. I just say minus whatever and go to the board and take the points. It may not be felt right away but when cash in points day comes they wonder where did all the points go. It has really helped cut down on the fighting between kids as I think they see that all the rules apply equally to all. They also get points for extraordinary behavior and so on Sunday my seven year old cleaned the whole house...everyone's room, did the dishes and cleaned even the bathrooms just on a whim.
I do still try to get to the root of certain pervasive undesired behaviors but decided that in the meantime I needed a way to address them in a positive manner that would have immediate effects. The point system has definitely helped.