
Great Point! I think I was "surprised" by the conversation and confused that she already made up her mind regarding him being in 1st.

I do think I need to talk to her again and get more details.

I know one probable issue is that my son will tell people "he can't" and "he doesn't know how" when he doesn't want to do something. I feel like he is always rewarded by getting out of stuff. Very few people recognize that this is a kid manipulating them. But I see it ALL the time. So, I can totally see him in math class saying "it's too hard" because he doesn't like to write and he doesn't want to do it. (This is me guessing because I know him well enough to know he pulls this often. I'm not certain this is the problem.)

But when I tell people "he can, he just doesn't want to," I usually get the pushy mom look and people won't push him so he gets rewarded often. This happens everywhere, preschool, sports classes, home, etc.,. When you've seen a kid do something multiple times and suddenly he doesn't know catch on.