Originally Posted by CFK
Originally Posted by Dottie
DS is 10...and his situation at the moment is extremely sweet. [...] I want to bask in that warmth for a bit before considering the scary "g" word (graduation).

You have a little time to bask! For us the scary "g" word did not come up until after the scarier "p" word (puberty)! 10 year olds take kindly to mom telling then what's what. Almost 13 year olds - not so much!

Oh, gee. Thanks for adding something else to my list of concerns.

Although, considering how little he appreciates my advice now (@ 8yrs), I certainly hope it can't get much worse after "p" arrives. Delusional, I know -- but one can hope, right?

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz