Originally Posted by CFK
I've been trying to break them, just haven't had luck yet! I've talked to the two universities within commuting distance. Neither will enroll for credit without requisite number of high school credits already in his pocket (which he doesn't have). As for auditing, they've both said that age/grade is not as important as prerequisites. I think we will try the auditing route and then if it goes well, try again to enroll for credit after he's proven himself with the institution.

Is there a way to 'go fast' through the prerequesite classes using online courses? Sometimes courses are designed for kids who took the class once and flunked to 'get up to speed quickly' - I think the catchphrase is 'credit recovery' - not very deep, but designed to get kids their credentials quickly.

I don't think that it is a nescessity, but if it helps, why not?


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