LOL @ that story sittin pretty!!!

DS5.5 has never really asked how. He knows formal names for anatomy, but chooses to use words like "privates" instead. He knows that he and his sister were in my belly, but he also knows that they came out through my belly (c-sections). We discuss how animals attract each other - he especially likes the really weird ones - and I tell him that is how the male tells the female he likes her, etc... but he never really asks about the baby making/birthing process itself.

I have a degree in health education and was very fortunate to take a sex education class in college that tailored teaching sex ed to different age groups. I actually have a book (if I can find it in the madness called my attic) that has worksheets and lesson plans to guide me when he does ask - not that we need to have a lesson, but it is nice if *I* have any questions! wink