Originally Posted by ColinsMum
I agree with everyone else about not tiptoeing around this - no way would I avoid books or pages about this! Your DS might find Mummy Laid An Egg too babyish, but if not, I recommend it. Actually this is one of the many areas where David Attenborough Life series DVDs have been very helpful - having DS know about how sexual reproduction evolved and e.g. about how scorpions do it is useful background for talking about humans. Life on Earth and Trials of Life are both very good for this (and lots else).

Ok, this was my approach, and we started with DS around age 3, hanging around on the toilet seat waiting for the poop to come out. The waiting around and then pushing really hard always put me in mind of his birth, so the topic of conversation came up - alot! I was sure to explain that it wasn't the same tube, but DS at 3 was well versed in how most body systems were basically fancy tubes, and could recite the journey of food. We also used to roll up Daddy socks and then unroll them to make a 'baby' pop out.

Anyway, I've now softened my stance as DS was a great 'informer' of agemates. When ever school folks would inquire wasn't I afraid that older classmates might tell DS something he didn't know, I could honestly answer that that might make a refreshing change of pace from sitting at home fearing the angry calls from agemates' parents. DS13 is currently a freshman in High School, and knows all the 'hows' and 'whats', although my guess is that he doesn't have much firsthand understanding of the 'whys.' This seems like an advantage to me - who wants to go through mass hysteria, when one could have own individual hysteria?


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